To enhance your shopping experience is at the top of our minds. To ensure you a perfect and accurate product delivery, INGRID BRA has joined hands with the most reliable courier companies of India to deliver your shipment in all cities and states across the country. The delivery person will deliver your shipment at your doorstep.

How much time do we take to deliver your product?

We try to deliver our product within a week, however, because of the ongoing circumstances, the delivery time can vary. Be assured, we will keep informing you about the status of your shipment.

How do we update you with the status of shipment?

We provide you the facility to track your shipment after it’s dispatched. We update our customers on every step of shipment, from the placement of orders until it’s delivered. While we always ensure the satisfaction of our customers, if you are not satisfied with your order, you can always contact us.

What kind of packaging do we provide?

Generally, we provide multiple products in a single packaging. But you can ask for multiple packages to our customer care executive.

Details about Shipping charges.

We don’t charge a single penny for shipment. We provide you free shipping for all your orders.

Do we ship internationally?

Currently, we don’t ship our products internationally.

What should you do if any item is missed from your shipment?

We are extremely careful with your orders. All the shipments go through multiple checks. However, in a rare case, some discrepancies can occur. You can contact us if you face such circumstances.

For any kind of complaint/ feedback, you can call us on +91 88822 71725. You can chat with our customer care executive on our website.

You can also mail us on –